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  • Writer's pictureRichard Prosser

Follow The Money: Part One

After nearly 60,000 views of my last post on the cabal and the con-vid virus, I'm motivated to offer some further background about who these people are, what makes them tick, how their agenda is unfolding, and what we can probably expect next - along with what is being done to stop them, and by whom.

There will be a few episodes to this story, and they're quite long, I'm afraid; but it has to be said, because humanity is at a crossroads, and what we do from here on in is of the utmost importance.

How did the private international cabal that is currently orchestrating the global Con-vid 19 Plan-demic scam, come to have so much money, power, and influence in the first place?

Well, they own the Banks and the Banking system, and owning banks is a very good way of making lots and lots of money. And having lots and lots of money is a very good way of being able to buy things, such as companies, and factories, and mines, and airlines, and news and media businesses, and drug and medical corporations, and even Governments and charities and Universities, and lots of other things that shouldn't even be being bought or sold.

And buying them outright isn't even necessary. All you need to do is lend the money to buy them to someone else, who then has to repay what you lent them, with interest - and if they can't meet the repayments, then you the Bank end up with possession of whatever it is the borrower bought, with the loan you gave them.

With money and ownership come power and influence, and with that, comes control.

Being in control, wanting to be in control, wanting to have power and dominion over others, is a desire that most of us simply don't understand. Most people don't have power, don't want power, and are completely baffled that others seem to crave it so much. But want it they do, and have it they do, and right now, they're absolutely hell-bent on not only consolidating that power and control, but in fact making it complete.

Yes, there does exist a grouping of individuals whose prime objective is to achieve complete domination over everyone else. These people want, more than anything, to hold the literal power of life and death over their fellow humans. They want to be able to control what people say, think, hear and see, how they live, who they interact with. The want to be able to absolutely prevent any kind of discord or dissent against their absolute rule and control. Above all they want a world wherein the great bulk of humanity serve as slaves, virtual or otherwise, with the fruits of mankind's labour going to ensure massive privilege and luxury for a select elite few (few being a relative term, there are literally hundreds of thousands of them).

It's sick and it's weird and it's difficult for ordinary people to even begin to comprehend, outside the bounds of dystopian science fiction - but it's horrifyingly real; and although it includes some other things that are truly revolting, it all begins with money.

In order to understand what is probably the most important driving force behind and within the grouping of individuals, families, corporations, Governments, and other entities that form what has become known as the New World Order, it is necessary to first understand what money is, and how it comes into being.

"Governments issue it," people say. Yes, they do - a small proportion of it. But by far the greatest part of all net new money being created into existence here on Planet Earth, is brought into being by the entirely privately owned, and entirely privately controlled, commercial banking establishment.

I specifically refer to Planet Earth just to give some perspective, because this little blue-green rock we all share is a closed system, in terms of money and economics. We don't have off-planet investments being made by aliens. All the money that is used here, is made right here; and we're making more and more of it, all the time.

The total volume of it is vast, and increasing all the time, at a quite eye-wateringly massive rate. This increase in the total money supply is also referred to as debt, and deficit, and it's huge scale and ever-increasingness is often touted as being a Very Bad Thing. We will go into this in more detail later; but for now, contemplate that what is called 'DEFICIT' and proclaimed as BAD, in one breath, is in fact exactly the same thing that is called GROWTH, which is of course sold as being all things GOOD, in the second. Yes, it's the same thing. Different name, and thus different - in fact entirely the polar opposite - perception; but actually, the very self-same thing.

An ever-increasing supply of money in the world is a necessary thing. It needs to be able to be created, in order to meet the needs of an ever-increasing population. More people means more food is required, and more houses, and more roads; more fuel, more factories, more plastic, more everything. There are more people working and needing to be paid, so they can pay more taxes, and more interest on more loans.

But it is a very long time now since new money could only be issued by the Sovereign or a sovereign Government, and only then, if it were first dug from the ground in the form of silver or gold, refined, and minted into coins.

For those who are familiar with the information disseminated by such organisations as Social Credit, Sovereign Money, and others, give yourselves a pat on the back - you were right all along.

To those who have ridiculed the above-mentioned proponents of truth - give yourselves a kick up the arse, because they were right all along.

And those who have known full-well that the above-mentioned were right all along, but ridiculed them anyway, haemorrhaging lies in the process, because it suited your purposes to do so, just know that the false world you built is about to come crashing down, and your illicit fortunes with it.

Part One: The Myth of the Fractional Reserve

'Modern' banking has been with us for a little over 320 years. It began prior to the granting of the Bank of England Charter in 1694, that instrument providing the private moneylenders who had bailed out King William III, for the costs associated with rebuilding his Navy after yet another expensive war against the French, with a monopoly over the entire business of banking throughout the Kingdom.

Fractional Reserve banking, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, is a lie, wrapped up in fiction, inside a falsehood.

The commonly held and widely accepted perception of how banking operates, is that people deposit money in a bank, which then on-lends some of that money to borrowers, who repay it with interest, allowing the Bank to make a profit, as well as paying their depositors interest on the money that the Bank has itself borrowed from the aforesaid depositors.

The classic explanation is that banks may lend up to 90% (or a similar figure, depending on whereabouts in the world or throughout recent history you look) of the value of the deposits they hold. The other 10% is the fraction that is held in reserve, allowing for "liquidity" in the Banking system. "Liquidity" literally means excess money slopping about the system, which means that so long as most people don't all want to withdraw all their money at the same time - and almost all of the time they don't - the process works for everyone. Anyone can deposit their money in a Bank, wherein they know it will be safe, as well as earning them a little interest; and anyone who needs a loan, can go and borrow it from this 'pool' of other people's surplus money, as long as they can demonstrate the ability to pay it back, including the interest that they're charged on top.

This deliberately misleading and illogical description makes sense at first glance, but it is a flat-out lie, plain and simple - and it always has been.

What actually happens, is that Banks do make loans TO THE EQUIVALENT of 90% of the value of the depositors' funds they hold; but this loan money is new money, created by the Bank at the time of lending, created solely for the purposes of being lent, and in fact unable to be created at all, UNLESS it is created for the purposes of being lent.

And yes, they're allowed to. That's what a banking licence actually is - a warrant enabling the issuing of credit, granted by the relevant Governing authority.

This new money, created in the form of a debt to the Bank, is then available to enter circulation. And as soon as it is spent by whoever has 'borrowed' it, it gets deposited again, back into a bank, by whomever was the recipient of it. And guess what - that new deposit then allows the Bank to issue yet another 'loan' - to the equivalent of 90% of this 'new money' - that it just created itself.

The compounding mathematics of this process means that in fact the Banking system, in total, is actually able to issue loans to the equivalent of about 900% of the funds it holds.

But it is not even this order of magnitude of loan money, over and above deposited money, that forms the foundation for the Banking scam - ALL loan money provided by Banks is fraudulent in origin. Every last dollar of it is brand new and completely fake. Now please note, fake doesn't mean counterfeit - Bank-issued money is identical to Government-issued money, and every bit as legal tender. It means that the money in question, which is very real, and can be spent, saved, frittered, used to pay taxes, etc etc etc - is not actually backed by anything tangible. It's a very long time since it was backed by gold. It isn't backed by Governmental authority, beyond the legal status afforded it by way of the granting of a Banking licence. It isn't even backed by the depositors' funds that are (or were) used to justify its being created in the first place.

When you borrow money from a Bank, that money - your loan - appears in your account, and can be withdrawn and spent. But it isn't money held by the Bank in the account or name of any of their other customers - the depositors. In fact, Banks are specifically prohibited from on-lending their depositors' funds. These constitute a Bank's liabilities.

Credit Unions and Finance Companies are different in this regard - when they make loans, it IS actually their depositors' funds that are being on-lent. Such arrangements offer the depositor a higher rate of interest than that typically available from a Bank, but they also come with the very real risk of losing said deposited funds, if the borrower is unable to make repayments, and their collateral turns out to be worth less than the value of the loan.

This is why, when you borrow money from a bank, you need to have some collateral; something of equal value, or at least most of the value, of the money you're borrowing. If it's a mortgage, then the house you're buying will constitute most of that. Your parents' house might be the rest, or your uncle's business, or some other asset belonging to someone who has agreed to be your guarantor.

But then, when your new money from your loan appears as a credit in your account, it is not matched by a deduction or withdrawal from anyone else's account. All the money belonging to the Bank's depositors is still right there in their accounts after your loan is issued, same as it was beforehand.

Go and check for yourself; log onto your internet banking, and check your balances. If all your money is in there, in your accounts where it should be, it can't have been lent to anyone else, now can it? Unless of course the same money can be in two places at once, which clearly it can't. But there it is - you have $1,000 in your savings account, and someone else goes to borrow $900 from the Bank. That someone else's loan is approved, and bingo, $900 appears in their account, from where they can withdraw it and spend it. But your $1,000 is still there as well, and you, too, can withdraw it and spend it. Magic, eh. The borrower then uses his or her loan to pay off a bill, debt, or account of some type; and the recipient of that money immediately deposits it in THEIR Bank - which can then issue a third person with a credit to the value of 90% of it, which in this case is $810.....which then gets deposited in yet another Bank, which can then issue ANOTHER new loan to the value of $729....etc etc. Your original $1,000 has just grown into $3,439, and we’re only three steps into the process – and all of it is owed to one Bank or another (plus interest), and all of it created out of absolutely nothing at all, and that process of creation has been at no cost to anyone – except the borrowers, who now have to pay it back to the same Bank that just plucked it from thin air!

This process by which the banking system in fact creates money out of nothing at all, is, as described by Josiah Stamp, former director of the Bank of England in 1937, "the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented."

Plenty of other commentators over the years have highlighted this same truth, which has almost always, till now, been met with a stubborn wall of disbelief. People refuse to accept that something so fundamentally wrong, and essentially fraudulent, can possibly even be permitted, let alone have been the status quo for more than three hundred years.

A few choice examples are listed below;

"Banks create their own funds, deposits, in the act of lending. This can be verified in many central bank statements"

Michael Kumhof

Senior Research Advisor

Bank of England

"When banks extend loans to their customers, they create money by crediting their customer's account "

Lord Mervyn King

Former Governor

Bank of England 2003 - 2013

"Each and every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created. New deposits. Brand new money"

Graham Towers


Bank of Canada 1934 - 1954

"Banks create money by lending to individuals who immediately place these borrowings on deposit"

Bryan Gaynor

Investment columnist

NZ Herald

"The essence of the contemporary money system is the creation of money out of nothing by private banks' often foolish lending"

Martin Wolf

Chief Economics Editor

Financial Times

"Banks invent money out of nothing whenever they lend. That's the dirty little secret of international finance"

Bernard Hickey

Managing Editor

NewsRoom Pro

"Banks create money by issuing a loan to a borrower; they record the loan as an asset, and the money they deposit in the borrower’s account as a liability."

Steve Keen

Head, School of Economics, History and Politics

Kingston University, London

"Banks create credit, money and purchasing power. That is fundamental to any economy with a complex banking system"

Adair Turner

Former Chairman

Financial Services Authority, Britain

But wait, there's more. In order to repay loan money to banks, along with interest, requires borrowers to make money. They need to earn enough, to not only cover their own costs, but to repay their creditors, and do so over and above what was borrowed in the first place.

This money may come from the earning of wages or salaries, from the profits of trade or industry, from adding value to unprocessed goods, from all and any manner of activities. But the key point here is that it requires MORE money, and as we have seen, the original source of this additional money, regardless of what activities are being undertaken, or where in the world they are occurring, always leads back to a loan that has been granted, by some Bank or other, to someone else, somewhere else.

Money issued by Governments does account for a proportion of available new money. The difference is that Government issued money is balanced by existing and future forecast taxation (unless it’s straight-out Quantitative Easing, like what’s happening at the moment), and doesn't contribute much to the overall net increase in new money in circulation - well, it does, but such GROWTH as it contributes is termed DEFICIT instead.

What this means is that in order for you to repay your loan from the Bank, you need to earn or make more money, which you do by working for someone, or by turning a profit from your business; and that income or profit, that you bring in via your endeavours, can only exist if someone else, somewhere else, is likewise going into debt to a Bank.

The whole process can only continue if an ever-increasing number of people and businesses, continue to go into an ever-increasing amount of debt.

If this is beginning to sound like a giant pyramid game, or one huge Ponzi scheme, well, that’s because that’s exactly and precisely what it is. And yes it’s completely legal, and yes it’s the status quo, and yes that has been the case for more than three centuries.

And the people who own the Banks - and there aren't many of them, it's literally a small handful of very long-lived dynastic family operations - have been doing very nicely out of it the whole time. They have amassed incomprehensively vast fortunes, and acquired a staggering degree of ownership and control over massive asset portfolios, businesses, resources, industries, people, and nation states.

And yes they like it that way, and no they don't want to lose any of it, thank you very much. With that much money and control comes virtually absolute power.

But just like any pyramid game it is fundamentally unsustainable, and just like any Ponzi scheme, every so often, reliably and predictably, it tips up, and a complete reset is needed. This reset generally requires, and throughout history has, until now, involved a major war.

What we are living, right now, along with everything else that’s going on, is the first time in history that a major global financial reset has been attempted WITHOUT involving a major shooting war (or at least not yet).

More on that in Part Two; stay tuned.

- Richard Prosser

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